Chapter 10: Jack's Big Mistake
Chapter 10: Jack’s Big Mistake
The three men were moving across the island as they fought. Norrington pushed Will hard and he dropped the key. It flew through the air and fell into Jack’s hand.
“Hah-hah!” Jack screamed.
He ran away down the beach. Norrington and Will quickly followed him.
Holding the key tightly, Jack went into the old church and climbed some wooden stairs. High above him, the bones of the old churchman hung from a chain.
Jack said “Hello” to him and continued his climb.
Norrington and Will quickly followed Jack up the stairs. Norrington attacked Jack with his sword, but Jack stepped away. Norrington ran at him, took the key, and threw Jack down the stairs.
As Jack fell, his hand found the dead churchman’s chain. Jack and the churchman dropped down together.
At the same time Will, holding onto a second chain, was pulled up toward Norrington. As he passed the commodore, he took the key. Then he ran out onto the church roof.
On the beach, the water started to move again. Slowly, the heads of Jones’s sailors came up out of the pale blue water. The men walked across the beach and stood next to the empty hole.
Then they saw Will Turner step out onto the church roof.
Will was trying to escape from Jack, Norrington-and now from Jones’s men. He jumped across a hole in the roof Using the point of his sword, Norrington lifted the key from Will’s hand. The commodore held it for a second-then it disappeared. Jack had it again!
Norrington turned angrily and knocked Jack’s sword from his hand. He looked over his shoulder at Will.
“Excuse me,” he said. “I’m going to kill the man who destroyed my life.”
“That’s OK,” Will answered.
Jack held up one finger. “Let’s talk about this, Commodore. Are you sure you have the right man?”
Will smiled. Jack was trying to save himself again.
“You caught a famous pirate and put him in prison,” Jack said. “You wanted to marry a beautiful woman. Who freed the pirate and stole your girl?”
Jack turned toward Will.
Norrington stopped Jack.
“You’ve said enough!” he shouted and pushed his sword wildly at Jack.
Jack threw up his hands and screamed. He fell down the roof and the key dropped to the ground.
“Good work!” Will said.
“But sadly, Mr. Turner, he was right,” Norrington said.
He turned his sword toward Will. Norrington hated Jack, but he didn’t like Will, either.
Down on the ground, Jack picked up the key and ran.
“I’m on your side, friend!” he called up to Will.
Jack slowed to a walk and put the key around his neck.
“I’m safe now,” he said to himself.
Then he fell into a hole in the ground.
Will jumped onto a large wooden water wheel on the side of the church. Norrington jumped on, too. With a loud noise, the Will suddenly broke away from the wall. It began to move across the ground with the two men on top of it.
Jack was hit by the wheel when he finally pulled himself out of the hole. The key fell away from his neck and caught on the wheel.
“I’ve lost the key… again!” he said.
He started to run after the wheel.
Elizabeth finally reached Pintel and Ragetti in the trees. “Hello, love,” Pintel said, and smiled.
He and Ragetti put down the chest and pulled out their swords. Elizabeth reached for her sword, but it wasn’t in her belt. Will had it, she suddenly remembered.
The two pirates attacked her, but suddenly something crashed through the trees. They turned and saw the water wheel. Jack was running behind it.
Pintel and Ragetti turned back to Elizabeth, but then a knife hit a tree next to Ragetti’s head. Jones’s men were coming!
Pintel and Ragetti dropped their swords at Elizabeth’s feet, took the chest, and started to run. With a sword in each hand, Elizabeth ran through the trees behind them.
The pirates tried to run around a tree, one each side of it, but they were holding the chest between them. As they stopped, Jones’s men arrived.
Ragetti, Pintel, and Elizabeth looked at the chest, and then at the terrible sailors. They all made the quick decision to leave the chest on the ground.
On another part of the island, Jack was still running after the wheel and the key. He ran quickly, got close to the wheel, and jumped inside it.
Will reached down from the top of the wheel. He took the key before Jack could. Then he also jumped inside the wheel. Norrington followed him quickly.
Cutting Will with his sword, Jack took the key again. He climbed on top of the wheel, and then jumped into a tree.
Hanging from the tree, Jack noticed one of Jones’s sailors. He was coming toward the tree-and he was carrying the chest! Jack reached for a piece of wood and threw it at the sailor’s head.
The wood knocked the undead sailor’s head off his shoulders. Jack jumped out of the tree and looked around. He couldn’t see anybody. With the key in hand, he carefully walked up to the chest.
Jack sat down next to the chest, and turned the key in the lock. And there it was-Jones’s heart. Taking off his shirt, he put the heart inside it. Then he looked around again. Nobody was watching him.
He ran straight to the rowing boat and found his bottle. It was large enough and had a wide top… He emptied some of the earth onto the beach, and placed the covered heart inside the bottle. Then he filled the bottle with sand.
He looked up when he heard a sudden noise. Pintel, Ragetti, and Elizabeth ran out of the trees. The two men were carrying the chest again, and Jones’s sailors were close behind them.
Elizabeth fought Jones’s men bravely, but she was losing the fight. Then the big wheel crashed out of the trees and knocked down some of Jones’s men. Elizabeth escaped to Pintel and Ragetti, and they pulled the chest through the sand toward the rowing boat.
Jack was unhappy. There were too many people on the beach. He put his bottle back into the end of the rowing boat and watched.
The wheel finally stopped near the water, and Will and Norrington climbed out. Norrington fell into the rowing boat. He lifted his head, saw Jack’s bottle, and reached toward it. Jack watched carefully. Then Norrington’s hand moved past the bottle and reached for the letters in Jack’s coat pocket. Jack didn’t stop him because he didn’t need the papers now. He had the heart. Davy Jones and every ship on the ocean were his.
The fight on the beach between Sparrow’s men and Jones’s men continued.
Suddenly, Will noticed the chest. The key was in the lock and he started to open it. Jack quickly turned around and hit him, and Will fell. Elizabeth ran to his side and looked down at him.
“We’re not going to escape,” she said to Norrington.
“Not with the chest,” he replied. He quickly took the chest and ordered her into the boat. ”Don’t wait for me,” he called, as he disappeared from the beach into the trees.
Jones’s men followed him.
“We must listen to him,” Jack said quickly.
“Yes!” Pintel agreed and pushed the rowing boat into the water.
Jack picked up his bottle. With the heart and Tia Dalma’s earth inside it, he was safe.
“We have to take Will,” Elizabeth ordered.
Jack looked angry but agreed. Pintel and Ragetti pulled Will into the boat. Without another word, they left the island and Norrington-behind.
- Chapter 1: Jack Sparrow's Return
- Chapter 2: The Search for the Black Pearl
- Chapter 3: The Island of the Pelegostos
- Chapter 4: The Secret of the Dead Man's Chest
- Chapter 5: Will Meets Davy Jones
- Chapter 6: Captain Sparrow Sails Again
- Chapter 7: A Very Important Game
- Chapter 8: The Kraken
- Chapter 9: The Fight for the Chest
- Chapter 10: Jack's Big Mistake
- Chapter 11: The End of Captain Jack?