Chapter 5: Will Meets Davy Jones
Chapter 5: Will Meets Davy Jones
The pirates left Tia Dalma’s house and sailed the Black Pearl do an island. They came to a ship that lay on its side in shallow water.
Jack and Gibbs stood under an oil-light and looked silently at the old, broken ship.
“Is that the Flying Dutchman?” Will asked. “She doesn’t look very good.”
“What’s your plan?” Jack asked.
“I’ll search the ship until I find your key,” Will said.
“And if you find sailors on the ship?” Jack asked him.
“I’ll kill them.”
Jack smiled. “I like your plan. It’s simple and easy to remember.”
“I’ll bring you the key, and you’ll give me the Compass,” Will said.
“Yes,” Jack agreed. “If anyone catches you, use these words: ‘Jack Sparrow sent me. He wants me to pay you.’” Then he added, “It will save your life.”
Will said goodbye and climbed into a rowing boat. Jack watched silently. Then he ordered Gibbs to turn out the Black Pearl’s lights. Soon only Captain Jack Sparrow’s gold-toothed smile shone in the dark.
Will reached the broken old ship and lit a small oil light. Was the ship empty? He saw the bodies of many dead seamen and felt very nervous.
“What happened here?” he asked himself.
Suddenly, he heard a noise. Will turned and saw a sailor. He was badly hurt but he was trying to pull up a sail.
“Sailor, it’s no good,” Will said. “The water is too shallow. Your ship won’t move.”
But the man kept trying. “No… below us… the ocean took Billy and Quentin… captain’s orders!”
The ship shook and a dead sailor dropped from the mast. Will saw round, red marks on the man’s back. He turned the body over. The man’s face was gone!
“Something has eaten him!” Will thought. The Kraken! He remembered Gibbs’s description of the monster.
Will moved away from the body. Suddenly, the ocean was very calm. Then, very quickly, the wind came and the water turned white and stormy. Will saw a great ship come up from the bottom of the ocean. It was the Flying Dutchman!
“Jack tricked me!” Will thought. “He sent me to this old ship. He knew that Davy Jones would follow me.”
The real Flying Dutchman was made of pale wood and bones. Animals and plants from the ocean floor covered every inch of it.
The Dutchmans sailors climbed onto the old ship. Will pulled out his sword and ran toward his rowing boat. Maccus, one of the Dutchmans sailors, stopped him. The other sailors joined Maccus and stood around Will.
“Get down on your knees!” Greenbeard, another sailor, said angrily.
Will quickly pushed his sword into his oil light. Burning oil covered the sword, and Will attacked the sailors. He fought hard, but suddenly something hit him in the face. As he fell, the Dutchmans sailors moved toward him…
When he woke up, Will was still on the old ship. He was at the end of a line of sailors, all on their knees. Someone walked slowly toward them. It was Davy Jones!
Jones was very ugly, with blue eyes and a long beard. His left hand and one of his legs were missing. He looked angrily down at the line of sailors in front of him.
“Six men are still alive,” Maccus said.
Jones walked down the line. “Do you fear death?” he asked a sailor. “I can offer you-an escape.”
“Don’t listen to him!” said another man in the line. He held a cross in his hand.
Jones turned and shouted at the second man, “Don’t you fear death?”
“No, sir.”
“Good luck, friend,” Jones said.
He smiled, then turned to Greenbeard. Greenbeard threw the man into the ocean.
Jones moved close to the first sailor. “Life is painful but you fear death. You can join my ship and escape it. You must spend one hundred years on the Flying Dutchman. Will you come with me?”
The sailor said quickly, “I will come with you.”
Jones smiled and moved down the line. He stopped next to Will.
“You are neither dead nor dying. Why are you here?”
“Jack Sparrow sent me,” Will replied. “He wants me to pay you.”
Jones looked very angry. “Does he? Shall I accept that offer?”
He turned his head and looked out across the dark ocean.
Hiding in darkness on the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow watched the Flying Dutchman. Jones was looking straight at him! Then, Davy Jones suddenly arrived in front of him. The Dutchmans sailors also flew onto the Pearl, and quickly circled round Jack and his pirates.
“It’s time to pay me,” Jones said to Jack. His voice was low and angry. “I made you captain of the Black Pearl for thirteen years. Now I want your soul.”
“Well,” Jack said, “I was only captain for two years-then my men stole the ship.”
“But you were a captain,” Jones replied. “You introduce yourself as Captain Jack Sparrow.”
“I’ve already paid you. I’ve sent you a soul to work on your ship. He’s over there,” Jack said. He was talking about Will.
“You can’t send another soul,” Jones shouted. “One soul is not the same as another!”
“So how many souls do you want for mine?” Jack asked.
Jones thought about Jacks question. Finally he said, “One hundred souls. In three days.”
Jack gave Jones a big smile. “Thanks, friend. Send the boy back to me. I’ll start looking for those souls.”
“I’ll keep the boy. You must find ninety-nine more.”
“Ninety-nine?” Jack asked, seeming surprised. “Have you met Will Turner? He’s a good and brave man. His soul is as good as four ordinary souls…”
“I’ll keep the boy!” Jones repeated. “Bring me ninety-nine more souls. In three days. Do you accept this offer?”
Jack thought about the question.
“Yes,” he answered.
“This Will Turner is a good man and he’s your friend. Do you want him to stay with me for the rest of his life?” Jones asked.
“Yes, that’s OK,” Jack answered, and smiled.
He looked down at his hand. The black mark was gone. When he looked up, Davy Jones and his sailors were gone, too.
Minutes later, the Flying Dutchman and Will sailed away into a storm. Jack watched silently as the ship disappeared.
“I have three days to find ninety-nine souls. There’s only one place to go-Tortuga,” he thought.
- Chapter 1: Jack Sparrow's Return
- Chapter 2: The Search for the Black Pearl
- Chapter 3: The Island of the Pelegostos
- Chapter 4: The Secret of the Dead Man's Chest
- Chapter 5: Will Meets Davy Jones
- Chapter 6: Captain Sparrow Sails Again
- Chapter 7: A Very Important Game
- Chapter 8: The Kraken
- Chapter 9: The Fight for the Chest
- Chapter 10: Jack's Big Mistake
- Chapter 11: The End of Captain Jack?