Home Elementary Christmas in Prague Chapter 7: The music must come first

Chapter 7: The music must come first

Chapter 7: The music must come first

For some minutes, nobody in the room said anything.

They looked at the old man in his chair, and they all thought about a snowy night in 1957.

Then Pavel turned to Jan.

‘Let’s forget 1957 for now,’ he said quietly. ‘For me, this is a wonderful day. I have no family in Prague. My grandmother died many years ago. But now I have a brother, a father…’ He looked at Carol in her bed, and smiled. ‘And a sister.’

‘Why did you come to the hospital to see me?’ Carol asked.

‘You had an accident because of me,’ Pavel said. ‘I knew that. You called to me, and shouted, and then ran to me across the street, right in front of a bus. I didn’t understand why, but I wanted to know that you were all right.’

Jan looked at Carol too. ‘And are you all right, my love? I’m sorry, I forgot about you…’

‘I’m feeling very well,’ Carol said happily. ‘Now I understand everything, so I feel much better. My husband is my husband again - and we have a new brother. Oh, but there is one thing…’ She looked at her new brother. ‘Why is your name Pavel Brychta, and not Pavel Vlach?’ The old man moved in his chair. ‘Her name was Lenka Brychta,’ he said quietly, ‘before she married me.’

‘Yes,’ Pavel said. He looked at Carol. ‘You see, my father didn’t want me, I thought. So I didn’t want my father’s name, and when I was older, I changed it and took my mother’s name.’ He turned to his father. ‘I was an angry young man then, but now…’

‘No,’ said Josef. ‘Don’t change it. It’s a very good name. And you are Lenka’s son.’

Suddenly the door opened, and Mr Rinaldi came in. ‘Carol,’ he said, ‘the doctor says that you are better. Is it true? You look wonderful. Can you play in the concert tonight? You see, I can’t find another harpist, and without a harp the music -’

He saw everyone for the first time, and stopped.

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ he said quickly. ‘I see you have friends here. But, you see, it’s important. It’s an important concert for my orchestra and -’ He stopped again. ‘Why are you all laughing at me?’

Jan stopped laughing first.

‘Mr Rinaldi,’ he said, ‘you are the right man for Prague, the city of music. The music must come first!’

‘Carol…’ Mr Rinaldi began.

Carol turned to Jan. ‘I feel very well now and I’d like to play tonight. But I want all my family to come to the concert - my husband, my new brother, and their father. Can you all come? Please say yes!’

Jan looked at his father.

‘Are you all right, dad? Or are you feeling tired now? Shall we all go to Mr Rinaldi’s concert?’

‘Free tickets, of course, for all Carol’s family,’ said Mr Rinaldi quickly.

‘Christmas music in Prague again,’ Josef said slowly. ‘And with my two sons. Wonderful, wonderful…’ He smiled happily at Jan and Pavel.

‘How can we say no?’ he asked.