Home Beginner Blue Moon Beach Chapter 5: Finding the Truck

Chapter 5: Finding the Truck

Chapter 5: Finding the Truck

I must get help. I start running. The hotel is closer than Constable Carter’s house. Dad will know what to do. Dad will help. But Mum and Dad will be very angry with me. It was wrong to take Tim out at night. It was wrong to look for the birds after we saw the truck. Worst of all, it was wrong to leave Tim with the truck. His mother will be very worried and very angry. No, I won’t go to the hotel.

I’ll run to Constable Carter’s house. Blue Moon village isn’t very big. I know where he lives. His house is next to my school. It is only two kilometres from the beach.

What can one police officer do to stop the smugglers? I heard where the smugglers are going - Sunshine Bay. I can tell Constable Carter. Perhaps he’ll phone the police officer there. And that police officer can stop the smugglers.

It’s very dark but I know the roads well. I run and run. Will Constable Carter be at home? The police officer in Sunshine Bay must stop the truck. I’m very worried about Tim and the birds. Is Tim okay? I try not to cry.

It is late at night. There are no cars on the road. There are no houses here. Then I see it - the truck! It’s stopped on the side of the road. I stop running.

The two smugglers are standing beside the truck. The bigger one is very angry. He hits the truck. ‘You drive this truck every day. You must know what’s wrong with it. Why won’t it go? We must get out of here.’

The second man just stands there. He looks very unhappy.

I need to open the back doors of the truck. I need to see if Tim is in there. I need to get the sea eagles out. I walk very quietly and very slowly to the truck.

The men are at the front of the truck now. One of them is talking on his mobile phone. He says, ‘Yes, we’re at Blue Moon Beach. Yes, we have the birds. But we can’t drive the truck.’ He is quiet, then he says, ‘It just stopped. I don’t know why. We can’t start it again. What do we do now?’ He’s quiet again. Then he says, ‘Okay, we’ll wait for you to call us back. But don’t be long.’

I am at the back door of the truck. Very quietly I start to open the door. I am very, very scared.

‘Psst… Sam!’

The voice comes from the dark trees beside the truck. I stare into the trees.

‘It’s me,’ Tim calls quietly.

I walk very slowly over to the trees. I see Tim. He’s under the biggest tree.

We talk very quietly.

‘Are you okay, Tim? Are you hurt?’

‘I’m all right,’ he says.

‘I’m sorry, Tim,’ I say to him.

He smiles at me. ‘Why?’

‘Because I left you with the truck. Because I didn’t go to the police officer’s house. I went to look at the birds.’

‘That’s okay,’ says Tim. ‘I stopped the smugglers. I stopped their truck.’ He smiles again.

‘You stopped the truck? How?’ I forget to be quiet and Tim puts his hand over my mouth.

‘Sh! Be quiet and I’ll tell you. After you left me, I thought about what to do. I know a lot about trucks and cars. My grandfather has a farm. He works on his trucks and cars. I help him. I love it. So I knew what to do with the smugglers’ truck. I got under it and I hit the fuel pipe with a rock.’

‘What’s a fuel pipe?’ I ask quietly.

The men are sitting in the truck now. They must be waiting for the mobile phone to ring. The windows are closed so they can’t hear us.

‘You don’t know much about cars and trucks, do you?’ says Tim with a smile. ‘The fuel pipe takes petrol to the engine. The engine needs petrol to go.’

‘I know that!’ I say.

‘Okay. So I hit the fuel pipe again and again. Now the petrol can’t get through to the engine.’

‘Well done!’ I say.

‘Then those men came back with the birds and they put the birds in the back of the truck. I watched from behind a big rock,’ says Tim. ‘The men were careful with the birds, though. They didn’t hurt them.’

‘What about the eggs?’ I ask. ‘Did the smugglers take them too? Are they in the truck? They mustn’t get cold.’

‘I don’t know where the eggs are,’ says Tim. ‘I didn’t see them.’

‘What happened next?’ I ask.

‘Well, the men got into the truck and the engine started. I was worried. I thought, ‘There’s petrol left in the engine and the fuel pipe.’ I didn’t know what to do, so I jumped into the back of the truck. The truck went for a while but then the engine stopped. So I jumped out… and here I am.’

I smile, but then Tim says, ‘What do we do now?’

‘I don’t know,’ I say. ‘I want to get the birds out of the truck, but we can’t. They will make a lot of noise and the men will hear. Also the birds are very heavy. We can’t carry them far.’

‘We need to go to the police officer’s house,’ says Tim.

‘But we can’t leave. The smugglers will see us.’

We both sit quietly for a while. Then I know what to do.

‘Tim! We need to get some ropes and nets out of the truck. We must do it very quietly.’

Tim comes with me to the truck. We open the back door very slowly. I look in. I can’t see the sea eagles. I do see some large boxes. Perhaps the birds are in them. I take some ropes out of the truck. This must work!