Chapter 4: Where is Tim?
Chapter 4: Where is Tim?
‘We must get help,’ says Tim. ‘I’ll stay here and watch the truck. You go and get help.’
‘Okay. I’ll go and get Constable Carter. He’s the police officer here in Blue Moon Beach. But first I want to see what the smugglers are doing. I’m going to have a quick look. I want to tell Constable Carter all about them. He’ll need to know how many there are and what they are doing. I want to see if the sea eagles are okay too.’
‘Okay, but be very careful, Sam,’ says Tim. ‘And be quick!’
‘I’ll be careful. You be careful too, Tim. Be very quiet and listen for the smugglers. Stay here under this tree. They must not see you. Stay away from the truck,’ I say.
‘Okay,’ says Tim.
I run through the trees. I know the way to the nest very well. I’m really worried about the sea eagles - and their eggs. I try to be quiet. I’m scared the smugglers will see me or hear me. I know I am near the nest.
Suddenly, I hear some people coming. Then I see two men. They are the men I saw on the beach this morning.
‘Come on, come on,’ one says. ‘We’re late. We mustn’t stay here too long. The boat is waiting for us at Sunshine Bay.’
‘Okay, okay,’ says the other man. ‘Ow! It bit me!’
The men have the sea eagles. They are the smugglers! I am angry. I want to scream at them. But most of all, I want to get the birds back. So I am quiet and I don’t move. I can see that the men have knives. I don’t want the birds to get hurt. And the men are both bigger and stronger than me. What can I do to stop them? It’s best to leave this to the police, I think. Constable Carter will know what to do.
I move quietly behind a tree.
‘What’s that?’ says the smaller man. He looks towards me. It is very dark. Can he see me? I am really scared. I close my eyes.
‘What’s what?’ says the other one.
‘Over there. I saw…’
‘Come on, Mac. It’s dark. You can’t see a thing. Stop worrying. We’re nearly at the truck.’
The truck - Tim! The men walk on. They are carrying the birds. The birds are making a lot of noise. Has Tim heard the men and the birds?
I follow the men quietly. I hear some noise, then I hear the truck start. I run. The truck isn’t there any more.
‘Tim? Tim!’ I call. ‘Tim!’
Where is Tim? Did the smugglers see him? Is Tim in the truck with the birds? Is he hurt?
‘Tim! Tim!’
There’s no answer.