Home Intermediate Audrey Hepburn Chapter 7: "I won't be stupid again"

Chapter 7: "I won't be stupid again"

Chapter 7: “I won’t be stupid again”

Audrey went to Africa in January 1958 with her dog and began work on The Nun’s Story. It was very different from her other movies. There was no love story, no music, there were no funny conversations-and no Givenchy clothes.

In the movie Audrey was a nun, Sister Luke, and she had to wear nun’s clothes. The camera could only see her mouth and eyes, but she was more than a pretty face. She was a great actress too, and people loved her.

But great actresses sometimes make mistakes. When Audrey came back to the United States, she was a bird-girl in Green Mansions. It was her worst movie. People laughed at it, and this made Audrey sad. She was sad because she made the movie for love. Mel was the director and he never directed a Hollywood movie again.

This was a bad time for Audrey. After Green Mansions, she became pregnant again. Mel wanted her to stay at home, but she went to Mexico. In the middle of the movie, The Un forgiven, she had an accident. She fell off a horse, and lost her baby for the second time. Mel was nice to her, and Audrey felt very bad. “I’m sorry,” she said to him. “I won’t be stupid again.”

Sometime later, Alfred Hitchcock, the famous director, wanted Audrey to be in his next movie-a big, expensive Hollywood movie. He sent her the story, and she read it.

“What do you think?” Hitchcock asked. “Will you do it?”

“I’m sorry,” Audrey told him. “I don’t like the story. It’s not for me”

Hitchcock was very angry with her. He made a different cheap, black and white movie with no world-famous actors. “This will be a bad movie,” he thought angrily. “It will lose money, and I’ll never speak to Audrey Hepburn again.” He was wrong about his new movie. Its name was Psycho. But he was right about the second thing-he never spoke to Audrey again.

Audrey did not think about Hitchcock very much. She was happy because she was pregnant again. “I won’t be stupid this time,” she thought. Hollywood wanted her to be in a new musical, West Side Story, but she stayed quietly in Switzerland. She did not want to lose a third baby. In January 1960 Audrey had a baby boy, Sean.

After Sean was born, Audrey stayed at home with him. She was happy in Switzerland, with her baby son and her little dog. In the day she went for long walks in the snow. In the evening she sat by the fire and read. Then one evening she read a story by Truman Capote. Its name was Breakfast at Tiffany’s.