Chapter 38: Joe Patroni Tries Again
Chapter 38: Joe Patroni Tries Again
Joe Patroni knew that time was running out. He had not started the engines of the Aereo-Mexican 707 until the last possible moment, so that his men could continue the work of clearing the snow around the plane.
When he realized that he could not wait any longer, he had a final look at the ground around the plane. He did not like what he saw. They needed to work for another 15 minutes, but they simply did not have that time.
He climbed into the plane, and shouted to Ingram: ‘Get everybody out of the way! I’m starting the engines.’ Men ran out from under the plane.
Snow was still falling, but it was lighter now.
Patroni called again: ‘Send someone to help me up here - someone thin! I don’t want to make this plane any heavier.’
Through the window he could see Mel’s car, and behind it a line of snowploughs and heavy vehicles. When Mel had told him that he might have to push the plane off the runway with these vehicles, Patroni had been shocked. He found it hard to believe that anyone could destroy a fine machine on purpose. It was not that he did not care about the people on board the Golden Argosy, it was just that he loved planes, and could not bear to think that this one would be destroyed.
A young mechanic ran over to the plane. ‘What’s your name, son?’ Patroni asked.
‘Rolling, sir.’
Patroni laughed. ‘We’re trying to get this plane rolling! Perhaps you’ll bring us luck!’
‘Ready to start,’ Ingram called.
Patroni started the engines, number three first, and then four, two and one. The noise grew louder and louder.
‘Hold on, son!’ Patroni told Rolling.
He increased the power. To their left he could see Mel Bakersfeld’s car, and he knew that they had only a few minutes left.
The plane shook, but it did not move. The young mechanic looked worried.
‘Come on!’ Patroni exclaimed. ‘Let’s go!’
‘Mr Patroni!’ Rolling warned, ‘we can’t do it!’
Then the radio message came; ‘Joe Patroni on board Aereo-Mexican. This is Ground Control. We have a message from Mr Bakersfeld: There is no more time. Stop all engines. Repeat - stop all engines.’
Patroni said nothing.
‘Mr Patroni!’ Rolling shouted. ‘Do you hear? We have to stop!’
‘Can’t hear you,’ Patroni shouted. ‘Too noisy in here.’ There’s always more time left than those people in Ground Control will admit, he thought. If only he had a cigar! He needed one badly, but his pocket was empty. Mel Bakersfeld had promised him a box if he could move this plane, he remembered.
He pushed the controls to their limit. The radio seemed to be going mad. All around them lights were flashing.
Suddenly the plane moved forwards. At first it moved slowly. Then it gained speed, and shot down the runway. Patroni brought it neatly to rest 200 feet from the runway. Three zero was clear and open - and there would be another story to tell about Joe Patroni.
- Chapter 1: The Storm
- Chapter 2: Mel Bakersfeld
- Chapter 3: Tanya Livingston
- Chapter 4: Joe Patroni
- Chapter 5: The Blocked Runway
- Chapter 6: Vernon Demerest
- Chapter 7: Out on the Airfield
- Chapter 8: Cindy Gets Angry
- Chapter 9: Keith Bakersfeld
- Chapter 10: The Meeting in Meadowood
- Chapter 11: A Ruined Man
- Chapter 12: Joe Patroni Clears the Road
- Chapter 13: Gwen
- Chapter 14: Keith Remembers
- Chapter 15: The Stowaway
- Chapter 16: Mel's Argument with Vernon
- Chapter 17: The Golden Argosy
- Chapter 18: Guerrero Leaves Home
- Chapter 19: Action at Meadowood
- Chapter 20: Joe Patroni Arrives
- Chapter 21: In the Coffee Shop
- Chapter 22: Guerrero Insures Himself
- Chapter 23: Mrs Quonsett Escapes
- Chapter 24: Take-Off
- Chapter 25: Cindy's Decision
- Chapter 26: Mrs Quonsett Enjoys Herself
- Chapter 27: Mel Meets Elliott Freemantle
- Chapter 28: The Search for Inez
- Chapter 29: The Plane on the Runway
- Chapter 30: Inez Loses Hope
- Chapter 31: Danger for the Golden Argosy
- Chapter 32: Vernon's Plan
- Chapter 33: Emergency in the Air
- Chapter 34: The People from Meadowood
- Chapter 35: Return to Lincoln Airport
- Chapter 36: The Runway Stays Blocked
- Chapter 37: Bringing Down Flight Two
- Chapter 38: Joe Patroni Tries Again
- Chapter 39: Landing
- Chapter 40: Keith Says Goodbye
- Chapter 41: The End of the Storm