Home Upper Intermediate Airport Chapter 37: Bringing Down Flight Two

Chapter 37: Bringing Down Flight Two

Chapter 37: Bringing Down Flight Two

Usually Air Traffic Control was quiet after midnight, but tonight was different. Because of the storm, flights were arriving very late, and Wayne Tevis and Keith were still on duty.

Keith was trying to think of his work and nothing but his work. In some strange way, his mind seemed to be working on two levels. On one level he directed the air traffic with something of his old skill; on the other level his thoughts were all about his personal problems. He felt that he had already left his family and friends for ever. He belonged now to the dead - to the Redfern family whose deaths he had caused. Soon he would be joining them …

Realization of what was happening on board Trans America Flight Two came to Keith gradually.

Wayne Tevis had been told all about the emergency. He knew that Vernon Demerest had asked for runway three zero to be cleared, but there was a possibility that it would not be clear in time. If that happened, the plane would have to land on two five. Radio communication had been set up between the control tower and Joe Patroni on board the Aereo-Mexican plane.

Tevis wondered if he should send Keith off duty, or at least ask him to move. Where he was working now, he would be the one to control the landing of Flight Two. He decided to leave Keith where he was, but to stay close to him in case he needed help.

A number of radio messages made the situation clear to Keith. He heard Captain Demerest emphasize the importance of clearing three zero - or there would be ‘a broken plane full of dead people’. He heard Vernon’s message to Mel, too. He knew that Patroni was trying to move the plane, and that time was running out.

As the time when Flight Two was to land came nearer, Keith began to feel frightened. He did not want to do this! He couldn’t do it! If he made a mistake, he would have a plane ‘full of dead people’ on his conscience. It had happened to him before.

Mel Bakersfeld, someone said, was ready to break up the Aereo-Mexican plane in order to clear runway three zero.

The flower-like double signal of a plane in trouble appeared on the edge of the radar screen - unmistakably Trans America Flight Two. Keith looked around for Tevis. He couldn’t do it!

He opened his mouth to call Tevis, but no words would come. It was like all the bad dreams that he had suffered from since the day when the Redferns had died.

He heard voices. They were waiting for him to reply, but he could say nothing. Where was Tevis? Suddenly, Keith felt a terrible anger - against his father, who had pushed him into this job; against Mel, who always seemed to be so successful; against Tevis; against everyone in this airport that he hated.

Somehow, the anger seemed to free his voice. ‘Trans America Two,’ he said, ‘this is Lincoln. Sorry we kept you waiting. We’re hoping to give you runway three zero. We’ll know in three to five minutes if it’s clear.’

Keith had no thought for anything but his work now. He would bring Flight Two down safely.

Mel had given the order for the vehicles to move in. Patroni had been told to get out of their way.