Home Upper Intermediate A Hacker's Revenge Chapter 11: Is It the End?

Chapter 11: Is It the End?

Chapter 11: Is It the End?

At 8.30 Mr Williams opened his eyes. For a moment he didn’t remember the events of the previous day. Then slowly his mind formed a picture of a computer hacker and some strange puzzles. He wondered if he had dreamt it all. Then he saw Robbie and Joe, who were still asleep on the floor and he saw the computer screen. The final puzzle was still there and the hourglass was almost empty. It wasn’t a nightmare; it was real!

The door of the office opened and Belinda came in. “Oh, Mr Williams. Have you been here all night? And poor Robbie and Joe too. Did you find the solution to the last puzzle?”

She saw his expression and already knew the answer. “I’ll make you a nice cup of tea and you’ll soon feel better,” she said.

There were only thirty minutes left. Mr Williams was angry with himself. He felt responsible for everything. His bank was in danger and he couldn’t save it. He tried to wake Robbie again but it was difficult to wake his teenage son before midday! Belinda returned with the tea. Mr Williams drank three cups.

He looked out of his window. The bank teller were arriving for another day’s work - maybe the last day. What could he tell them? In desperation he sat down in front of the computer again. “Belinda, if we win, I promise that I will learn about computers and become an expert. My son is only 15 and he knows much more than me. I’m living in the past and I have to change.”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Mr Williams. And of course, I’ll help you as much as possible. I know a lot of things now and…”

She didn’t finish her sentence because Mr Williams shouted so loudly that Robbie and Joe woke up. “That’s it! I’ve found the solution! I know the answer to the puzzle!”

Robbie and Joe got up right away. They looked at one another and then at Mr Williams. Robbie said hesitantly, “Are you sure Dad? It looks impossible to me.”

“Yes, of course I’m sure. I’ve done it. Now, first I click on the reply icon, right? And then I write the answers. The first word is Bill - it’s the man’s first name and the abbreviation of my second name, Williams. The second word is gate. It’s a barrier and a way to enter.”

“So the man is Bill Gates,” said Joe.

“Exactly,” replied Mr Williams. “The third word is Microsoft - his baby, his creation, but also a monster in the opinion of some people. And the last word is Seattle. That’s where Bill Gates lives and where he started Microsoft, the beginning.”

“That’s brilliant Dad. Well done!” said Robbie.

“Now,” continued Mr Williams, “if we take the first letter of each word we have B, G, M, and S. We have to add two more letters - I and A - and these six letters should spell the name of the hacker.” Everyone looked at the six letters:


They tried to see a name but they could only see words like big and bags but no names. Then suddenly Mr Williams jumped up and yelled, “Yes! Yes! I know the name of the hacker…”