Home Upper Intermediate A Hacker's Revenge Chapter 10: Where's the Fire?

Chapter 10: Where's the Fire?

Chapter 10: Where’s the Fire?

Mr Williams opened the door and three firemen ran into the hank.

“OK, where’s the fire?” they said. Mr Williams was very confused.

“What do you mean, ‘fire’? There’s no fire here. I think you’ve made a mistake.”

The firemen were not convinced. “Mr Williams, have you forgotten that the bank’s sprinkler system is connected to the alarm at the tire station? The sprinklers started, the alarm sounded and we came here to put out the fire. Now, where is it?” This time Robbie spoke.

“There is no fire. The sprinklers started because there must be a problem with the system.”

“Yes,” added Mr Williams. “I’m so sorry that you’ve come here for nothing.”

“Well, I must say I can’t see any fire. We’ll come back tomorrow morning to check if there’s some kind of problem with the sprinklers,” the fireman replied. “You’re working very late tonight, Mr Williams,” he added.

“Yes, we have a lot to do,” came the tired reply. When they had gone, Mr Williams told Belinda that she could go home. He opened the door for her and Robbie tried to go out at the same time. His father pulled him back.

“I need you here,” he said. “Let’s go back to the office.”

“Oh, Dad,” Robbie protested but he followed his father upstairs.

It was four o’clock in the morning when the final puzzle arrived. Robbie and Joe were sleeping on the floor. They had been too tired to stay awake. Henry Williams forced himself to look at the computer screen.

Hi, Henry. Here’s the final puzzle.

You have to read these sentences about a famous person and find the four words.

Puzzle Number Three

The first word is his first but it’s your second. The second word is a barrier but also a way to enter. The third word is the baby, or is it a monster? The fourth word is where it all began.

Now take the first letter of each word, then add the letters I and A. You now have six letters and in these letters you will find my name.


It was incredible. A few hours ago everything was fine. Now someone wanted to destroy his bank and his life. Why? He touched Robbie gently and said, “Robbie, wake up! The last puzzle has arrived. We’ve only got a few hours to solve it.” There was no response from his son, who continued to sleep. Mr Williams tried to wake Joe, but Joe simply mumbled in his sleep, “Belinda, do you want a hamburger or a cheeseburger?” Mr Williams sat with his head in his hands. The boys were sleeping and he couldn’t wake them. What was he going to do? He looked at the clock again - it was already four thirty! Then another e-mail arrived.

Come on, Henry. Admit it. You’ve lost.

Soon I will start to empty the bank accounts. Who shall I choose first? Perhaps the police station? OR maybe I’ll choose Mrs Miller, the poor old lady from the library. No, I think I’ll start with the Town Council - it’s the end of the month and wages must be paid.

Was the hacker right? Was this the end…?