Home Upper Intermediate A Hacker's Revenge Chapter 8: My Name is Trentine

Chapter 8: My Name is Trentine

Chapter 8: My Name is Trentine

Hello Henry,

Well, that was an easy puzzle. I imagine someone helped you - your son Robbie perhaps? He’s intelligent but your security guards are really stupid.

They didn’t see me at the library but I saw them! Never mind! Maybe they’ll have better luck next time… Here’s your second puzzle - impossible, I think. Have fun! BFN

Puzzle Number Two

My name is TRENTINE - I am power and knowledge. These are my friends:

Berrows limea rodlw ediw bew thac moro frus

Henry Williams wasn’t very worried. He had his secret weapon - Robbie!

“You can solve this puzzle too, can’t you, Robbie?” he asked. Then he saw his son’s face.

“Dad, I’m really sorry but I don’t understand it. But, look - the hacker sent it from the Internet Cafe in the city centre.”

Belinda was crying again. Mr Williams phoned the security office for the second time that day and told Bill and Ben to go to the Internet Cafe to find the hacker. As soon as he put down the phone, a bank teller came into his office with more bad news.

“A customer has just told me that the bank’s website is advertising a special offer - a credit card with 0% interest. Is it true?” he asked.

“Of course it isn’t!” yelled Mr Williams. “Don’t give any new credit cards to any of our customers! Now go back to work!”

The teller disappeared. The minutes became hours and Mr Williams became more and more agitated. Robbie continued to look at the puzzle perplexed, and Belinda continued to cry. Suddenly Robbie had an idea. “I know what to do!” he shouted.

His father jumped up. “Have you solved the puzzle?’” he asked.

“No, but I bet my friend Joe can help us. I’ll send him a text message on his mobile.” Mr Williams sat down again while Robbie sent the message.

Come to Bank Now. Rob

When Joe arrived it was already 5 o’clock.

“What’s up, Robbie?” he asked. Then he saw Belinda, who smiled at him. He smiled back. Wow! She was beautiful! He immediately fell in love with her.

“Joe, listen to me,” said Robbie. He explained about the hacker and showed Joe the second puzzle. Joe didn’t want to take his eyes off Belinda but he had to look at the computer screen. Mr Williams was beginning to panic.

“Hurry, boys. There isn’t much time left.”

“Take it easy, Mr W. We can solve this. Come on, Robbie. Let’s do it.”

After four long hours they solved the puzzle. “So, who is Trentine?” asked Mr Williams.

“The Internet,” replied Joe.

“Of course,” said Robbie. “And the friends are all words connected with the Internet - browser, e-mail, world wide web, chat room and…”

“Surf,” said Belinda happily.

Joe looked at her. “Belinda, you are so cool. You’re the perfect girl tor me,” he said as he clicked on the “Send” icon.

Mr Williams looked at them and said to himself: “What are they talking about? I think I’m getting old.”

It was nine o’clock. The hourglass was half-empty but they had solved the puzzle in time. Mr Williams was very relieved. The situation was improving at last. At that moment the telephone rang. When Mr Williams answered he heard a voice say: “Good evening. This is the police…”